About Us

About Us

Last updated: 08/2023

bikepacker bicycle castle

Hi, we are Joel and Jana!

In May 2022 we quit our jobs and left our home in Germany to travel around the world without flying. Our first stage:

London to Istanbul on bicycles (bikepacking).

But as they say: While you are busy making plans, life happens. In August 2022 our trip was shortly interrupted by a family wedding in Sweden (1st flight) and due to an injury we weren’t even sure if we would be able to make it to Istanbul. 

Well, eventually we did make it to Istanbul a couple of months later than expected. The winter blues hit hard and we escaped onto the Greek Islands doing voluntary work for three months.

This gave us a new rush of energy and the travel bug returned. Admitting that bikepacking is actually the perfect way to travel, we decided to continue towards Central Asia. This forced us to take a 2nd flight: As the Azerbaijan land border remains closed, we took a flight from Georgia over the Caspian Sea towards Kazakhstan.

We have cycled now more than 10.000 kilometres and slowly start to get the hang of it.

Who we are

Joel is standing near the village of Derinkuyu where an underground city had been discovered.


Jana standing on the road with a view of Hasandag Mountain in the background

